TeachX Brand Kit: Logos, Wordmarks, and Fonts

Welcome to the official TeachX Brand Kit! Here, you’ll find all the assets you need to represent the TeachX brand in your marketing materials. From our pictorial logos to wordmark logos and recommended fonts, we've made everything downloadable and easy to access for your convenience.


  • A clear understanding of TeachX's brand guidelines.
  • Access to graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, Figma, or Canva (optional but recommended).
  • Make sure to follow the recommended colors and sizing for each logo.

How to Use TeachX Brand Assets

Here’s how to get started using TeachX logos, wordmarks, and fonts. We’ve organized everything to ensure it’s easily accessible and ready for use across all platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Download Pictorial Logos

    • Browse the selection of TeachX pictorial logos below.
    • Select the logo you need and click the Download button.
  2. Download Wordmark Logos

    • Scroll through the TeachX wordmark logos below.
    • Choose the format and click the Download button.
  3. Download Recommended Fonts

    • Review the recommended fonts for TeachX brand usage.
    • Download the required fonts and install them on your system.

Pictorial Logos

Below are the official TeachX pictorial logos available for download:

  • Logo 1
  • Logo 2
  • Logo 3

Wordmark Logos

Explore our collection of TeachX wordmark logos. Choose the one that best suits your design needs:

  • Wordmark Logo 1
  • Wordmark Logo 2
  • Wordmark Logo 3

For consistent branding, use the following fonts in your TeachX-related designs:

  • Font 1: [Font Name 1]
  • Font 2: [Font Name 2]
  • Font 3: [Font Name 3]

Share on Social Media

Promote TeachX by sharing our brand assets on social media. Use the following templates to spread the word:

Check out @TeachX for top-notch tutoring services! #TeachX #Education

Call to Action

Looking for more resources? Stay connected with TeachX and access all our brand assets by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, or visiting our TeachX resource center.

Thank you for supporting the TeachX brand!

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